Preserving forests is crucial for economic prosperity as they provide valuable resources, such as timber and non-timber forest products, while also supporting industries like tourism and ecotourism that generate income and employment opportunities.


38 K

Species under Threat

16 K

Endangered Species


Species under Threat


Endangered Species


Earth for Us to Protect

Leonardo Ashreyandi Numberi


” Preserving ecology isn’t just about safeguarding biodiversity; it’s about boosting economic well-being. A healthy environment is an invaluable resource for our economic future.”

Leonardo Ashreyandi Numberi


” Preserving ecology isn’t just about safeguarding biodiversity; it’s about boosting economic well-being. A healthy environment is an invaluable resource for our economic future.”

About Last Chance

We believe that preserving forests is last chance for economic sustainability, and we're committed to making a difference.

Upcoming Projects to Fund

In our commitment to the Forest for Economic Sustainability Target, we are excited to announce upcoming projects that aim to secure funding for crucial forest preservation initiatives. These projects will play a pivotal role in sustaining both our economic future and the invaluable ecosystems our forests provide.


You can make a difference by supporting reforestation initiatives, spreading awareness about sustainable forestry, and advocating for responsible resource management.

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Stay informed about all the latest updates on Forest for Economic Sustainability Target, where we're dedicated to preserving our forests for a sustainable future.

Get to Know Us

Explore our mission-driven team and discover our passion for preserving forests to drive economic sustainability. Learn about the people behind Forest for Economic Sustainability Target, dedicated to safeguarding our planet's vital natural resources.


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